Following are comments from our tour guests about their tour experience.
Tour Comments
2024 Tour Comments ———————-
“Duane succeeds by engaging an “out of this world” variety of Earth history, relevant stories, gyroscope dynamics, fun videos and science facts to support clear interpretation within Biblical Creation truth. Expect to apply numerous apologetic points refuting secular Big Bang Universes and evolutionary Solar Nebula theories as are presented by Adler exhibits.
Our savvy tour guide doesn’t even overlook inspiring aspects of both Apollo 13 accounts- from stark NASA reality and Hollywood’s movie dramatization.
Attendees of all ages (7-70+) now should feel more bold to seek true answers beyond sometimes popular, progressively (confused) Genesis creation explanations invading churches of our decade.
Lastly, please don’t bypass Adler Planetarium’s own Solar System sky show event. Their sci-fi (fictional “Max”) space jumps onto REAL remote worlds could inspire Biblical Revelation believers!”
5/5 stars
(Adler Planetarium tour)
“The information was very relevant. It made the museum enjoyable to visit. Otherwise, the museum celebrates evolution and even religions (other than Christianity). The museum could be named the ‘Museum of Evolution’. Everything was 100% geared towards evolution. There are theories presented as fact. Going on the tour with Duane pointing out why the theories are wrong – because their starting point refuses to acknowledge the obvious evidence of a Creator. ”
5/5 stars
(Field Museum tour)
“I homeschool my children and have been waiting for a chance to go to the Field Museum with my family, since it is a heavily secular museum, and this provided the perfect opportunity. I grew up going to public school yet also was raised in a Christian home and in the church, and am amazed at how much I thought my perception of history was Biblical and yet it does not coincide with what the Bible actually says. This tour was incredibly helpful to both my family and I, as multiple members in our unit learn interpersonally and hands on much better than simply reading information from a page, and we are doing our best to learn and teach God’s Truth.”
Cynthia, Plainfield
5/5 stars
(Field Museum tour)
Very good, inclusive tour. We were surprised we covered so much, a good variety and given in descriptions we could understand. Good explanations and nice that you answered questions and showed the limitations of “science”.
(Field Museum tour)
2023 Tour Comments ———————-
“The tour was well organized, the presentation was great. The presenter was very knowledgeable engaging and humorous. He kept things going at a good pace. He was patient and willing to answer questions. Engaged well with groups of various ages. The headsets were a big plus. Overall the tour was enlightening and thought provoking. I would highly recommend it.”
(Milwaukee Public Museum tour)
“Your giftedness as tour guide and strong science background easily presented the Correct Biblical Creation Science meaning for all our tour “stops” and faith building.”
(Milwaukee Public Museum tour)
“ It was great! It was such a wonderful way to focus our visit on how amazing God is.”
(Field Museum tour)
“Phenomenal. Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to the next one.”
(Field Museum tour)
“This was very good. It re-enforced some of what we just covered in our teaching.”
(Field Museum tour)
“You’re doing a good job. Keep up the good work.”
(Field Museum tour)
“You could call this tour ‘Duane Debunks the Field Museum’”
(Field Museum tour)
2022 Tour Comments ———————-
“Excellent tour with many facts provided. Besides creation facts, the Biblical facts were interesting too.”
Rating: 5/5
Boyd – Trevor, Wi
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)
“The tour covered a broad array of topics thorough enough for doing so in a busy museum. We enjoyed hearing again some of what we have learned previously, but were surprised by a good bit of new information.”
Rating: 5/5
Gary & Jill, Wauconda
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)
“Duane did a super job on the tour. The information he shared was clear and easy to understand. Even though the tour was nearly two hours long it moved along at a pace that really kept our interest. The tour “extras” at the end will give you many opportunities to learn more. I highly recommend this tour!”
Rating: 5/5
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)
“Good reviews from the teenagers – especially the age of the dinosaurs.”
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)
“Enjoyed the tour.”
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)
I’d recommend it to others.”
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)
2021 Tour Comments ———————-
How was the tour? I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
(Field Museum Tour)
“(The tour guide) spoke with just the right level of complexity for me to understand and be able to challenge the evolutionary worldview.”
Rating: 5/5
– Laura
(Field Museum Tour)
“What did I like best? The Whisper set to listen with. It allowed me to browse around and linger over other exhibits while still hearing the tour presentation.”
– David
(Field Museum Tour)
“It was refreshing to see the displays at the museum utilized for faith affirming trust in the Bible and consequently Jesus as Lord.”
– Randall, Chicago
(Field Museum Tour)
“Duane Caldwell is the real deal. He knows his stuff. He know his Lord. What more could we ask for in a tour guide.”
Rating: 5/5
Dave – Franklin, Wi
(Field Museum Tour)
“Thanks so much for your passion and study of knowing the other side of the story that each specimen contains. Very refreshing and mind stimulating.”
Rating: 5/5
Dave – Campbellsport, Wi
(Field Museum Tour)
“The various topics covered were a good representation of the different ones that would be impactful to have a good understanding of, for someone trying to be more knowledgeable on the topics that are in the forefront of the secular and scientific community. Well done!”
Rating: 5/5
Paul – Waukesha, WI
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)
“Praise God for your ministry!”
Rating: 5/5
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)
“Very informative. I did not know there was a name for the “death pose.” Appreciated the the final words at the end of the tour regarding the model of Jerusalem, which was completely unexpected. The extras sheet is fantastic! Your website is superb.”
Rating: 5/5
Steve – Milwaukee, WI
(Milwaukee Public Museum Tour)