Lucy – upright hominid or ape?
Lucy – Australopithecus Afarensis (southern ape from the Afar region) – is billed in science books and museums as in this display in Chicago’s Field Museum – as an upright, walking hominid. Secularists claim Lucy is an early departure from apes and has started down the path toward becoming human. As such, she is often depicted with human features: Eye whites (apes have brown eyes), human facial expressions (apes are incapable of such expressions), sometimes with very little hair, but always walking upright as in the sample from the Field Museum below.

But did Lucy actually walk upright? There is much evidence to suggest she didn’t. From the angle her neck entered her skull, to locking joints on her hands to allow knuckle walking (locks humans don’t have), a more accurate depiction of the way Lucy walked is found in the Answers in Genesis depiction at their Creation Museum: Read More